Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cutscenes for Chapter 1

After testing the first half of this chapter, I have set to work on the second half. This includes making cutscenes to tie the story together. Since I've been having a fair load of complaints about the storyline for Howls in the Dark, it seemed like a good idea to make what's happening clearer.

Furthermore, it also helps me to see where I want to go with this story, and adds character to the antagonists. And on top of that, it's nice and easy. No wondering about dialogue trees, checking whether available responses cover the entire range of player styles, none of that. Everything is under my control, bwahahahaha! Errm, forget that last bit, it's late and I should probably go to bed soon.

I've made about six of these cutscenes now, and I think they work well. When I'm done, I'll work some more on the buildup to the conclusion for Chapter 1, and after that it's time for my favorite chore: the fleshing out of the player's companions.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Working on part 2 of Chapter 1

Finally, I ironed out all the bugs I found in my first test round. Undoubtedly there are many more, but wel'll leave that until round 2. Today I had an entire day to devote to modding, a rare treat for me. The last time I had this much to work with has to be years ago.

Made some good progress, too. The first round of testing gave me many ideas to build up to chapter 2, which works quite nicely. Worked on a couple of cutscenes today, that turned out to be nice and dramatic. I'm pretty happy with the result :-)

It's interesting how some characters start to live their own lives in my head. Sometimes they just develop all by themselves, without much effort on my part. Hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about if I ever get this baby done ;-)

That's all for now.